Welcome to Trips 'n Toys!

Welcome to Trips 'n Toys!

Happy NERFday, Ogie!

Now, I'm no Pinterest-worthy cake baker...  So, don't judge me...  :)

And on top of that, the "H" had a little accident of its own.

Hopefully I can find a few more pics to add, but I had a memory chip go rogue on me and eat about 1,000 photos, unfortunately including my baby boy's 8th birthday party.

But, all that aside, and Ogie had a pretty fun birthday. We baked him a nifty little NERFday cake and held his party in his favorite backyard hide-out. Bibby designed targets and hung them on different trees so they could have a shoot out after we enjoyed cake and ice cream.

Special thanks to Gramma and Daddy for hanging out with us, and helping us get the table and all the chairs into the Secret Hideout!

Happy Birthday, Ogie!

Mommy loves you!

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